Friday, May 10, 2013

Who Are We???

Assalamualaikum and Salam Sejahtera to All....
This blog was build for our Online Learning Resources Assignment which is a group assignment. We are from Group 8 with 3 group members. Want to know more about us? Let's view our profile. 

Hi everyone, I'm Siti Fazidah Mat Yaacob and you can call me Zida. I was born in Selangor but my hometown is at Gua Musang, Kelantan. I'm graduated from Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM Shah Alam) in 2011 with Bachelor Science (Hons.) Chemistry. I have no experience yet in education field as a lecturer or as an educator. Now, I'm doing my Masters Education in Chemistry at Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris. I hope everything that I have learned can be shared with others. Click here to visit my personal blog. 

With Mr Patric
Hello there...I'm Suziyana Hassim. Just call me Cikgu Suzi.I'm a secondary school teacher and teach Chemistry and Science at SMK Taman Tasik Taiping. I love teaching and now already 10 years in my services. I'm graduated from University of Malaya and got Gold Medal.I do realize that knowledge is quite important for me to be a knowledgeable person. So that, I'm pursuing my study for the Masters Degree in Chemistry Education to get more knowledge on Chemistry field.I love to improve my self by attending any course that can increase my IT skills,the latest course that i volunteer to do was PC Tablet implement in T&L was on 8th of May 2013. Really enjoyed the course because the facilitator was from Ireland. Many information are been shared. Visit me at my blog, just click here

Assalamualaikum.. I'm Musfirah Salma. I'm graduated from UKM in Bachelor of Education (biology/Chemistry. I have been teaching for 5 years. I'm marrried woman and mother of a daughter. I'm doing my master at Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris.


Hope this blog can influence all of you to get some information about electrochemistry topic and open your mind to love it.

How can I contact Chegu Suzy.. Just want to ask her about Mangostana Balm. Refer to this article in Malaysiakini:

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