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In Shaa ALLAH, Allah May Bless You!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


  • Electrode: A conductor in the form of a wire, rod or plate which carries electric current in and out of an electrolyte during electrolysis. 
  • Electrolyte: A substance that can conduct electricity in molten state or aqueous solution and is decomposed by electric current.
  • Non-electrolyte: A substance that cannot conduct electricity in molten state or aqueous solution.
  • Anion: A negatively-charged ion.
  • Anode: An electrode which is connected to the positive terminal of the source of electricity during electrolysis.
  • Cathode: An electrode which is connected to the negative terminal of the source of electricity during electrolysis.
  • Cation: A positively-charged ion.
  • Electrolysis: The process whereby a compound is broken down into its constituent elements when electricity is passed through an electrolyte.
  • Aqueous solution: A solution produced when a compound is dissolved in water.
  • Electrochemical series: A list of ions arranged in ascending order of their tendency to discharge.
  • Purification of metals: The process of obtaining a pure metal from an impure metal through electrolysis.
  • Electroplating of metals: The process of coating a layer of metal onto another metal using electrolysis.
  • Simple voltaic cell: A cell that converts chemical energy to electrical energy.
  • Electrochemical series: An arrangement of metals based on the tendency of each metal atom to donate electrons.
  • Electropositivity: A measurement of the ability of an atom to donate electrons to form a positive ion.
  • Displacement reaction: A reaction where a more electropositive metal displaces another metal from its salt solution.

Monday, May 13, 2013


Only to assess your understanding!!!
Just click the link to answer it...


Here are some animation for your better understanding....Check these out...

Cu-Zn cell

Other links for Electrochemistry's topics Animation:


Syllabus Content

Attached herewith the Syllabus Content for Chemistry Form 4, Form 5 and Form 6.


Saturday, May 11, 2013

Why Crystal Chemistry???

Why we named this blog as Crystal Chemistry???
we want you to absolutely know and understand the chemistry knowledge as clear as crystal....